[AMPS] SB-1000 converson with QB 3.5/750 ???????

John Peters pe1ogf@iaehv.nl
Sun, 29 Nov 1998 18:43:53 +0100

Hello All,

For a friend of mine I need some info.. He blew out his 3-500Z.........

Can anyone tell me if it is possible to put a QB 3.5/750 in a SB-1000 instead
of the öriginal 3-500Z
This QB 3.5/750 is a Tetrode but possibly with all grids to ground it should
work ??? any info would be very helpfull.

Heater voltage is the same and so is the cutrrent bouth arround 14-15 Amps @
also same pinning and it seems the socket is the same too...

73! de John pe1ogf@iaehv.nl

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