[AMPS] Meter Scale

Mike Sims nasfred@1bigred.com
Sat, 10 Oct 1998 20:42:35 -0400 (EDT)

Just finished a homebrew wattmeter and would like to make a non-linear meter
scale.  Also, have an amplifier and would like to redo the meter scales to
directly display the measured values.

Not interested in doing it free hand as when I do it they look like they
were made with crayons using large lined paper.

Can anyone describe how to make meter scales (faces) using programs that are
relatively available on the home computer?  The term "relative available"
means something like the MS products, Draw, Word Perfect, etc.  I've heard
of making meter scales with various CAD packages.  However, I don't have
access to any of them.

        Mike, K4GMH

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