[AMPS] My old amp
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 12:42:39 EDT
ok gang ,,
Here is the story ,, at a recent hamfest I purchased a Hunter
2000 c
* Bandit * . Aside from a shorted filament choke , open resistors , blown
capacitors in the power suppy and visable burns on the plate of the tuning Cap
it was in Good shape <sic> . I have just about finished repairing it and want
fire it up , thus my question . Finding the right filter capacitors was
difficult , the
originals are 140 MF at 475v ( 6 total ). I was only able to locate this type
cap at 450v and replaced them with these. The total voltage of these
is now about the same as the plate voltage 2700v. I know from an engineering
view this is terrible ,, but ,, will it work ? Is there anything else I should
be checking before bringing it up ? something I might have overlooked ?
I defer to the experts .
Mike ( N I 3 I )
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