[AMPS] My old amp

Jim Reid jreid@aloha.net
Mon, 12 Oct 1998 11:41:23 -1000

>Wrong.  The Hunter Bandit   -- snip-->company produced a good quality 
ham radio product in the early days of
>SSB.  They made the original "Loudenboomer,"  I believe.  Hallicrafters
>later produced their version of the same amp.  Does anyone know the
>story of how that business deal worked?  

I believe that W0AR,  Lee Bergen of Kansas City,  would know all
about that history,  if you could reach him.  Lee was also one
of the original post-WWII DXpeditioners; he has only held
17 different licensed calls!!  Part of the Loudenboomer design
group back when.  Lee's last known,  to me,  email is to:


73,  Jim,  KH7M

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