[AMPS] 3-500z question

Vic Rosenthal rakefet@rakefet.com
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 07:24:07 -0700

The 3-500z in my SB1000 seems to be getting a little tired.  It seems to take
more drive to get less grid current and output then before, and power seems to
drop off as it gets warm.  

I'm going to open it up (the amp, not the tube) and look around.  While I'm at
it, I'm going to bring the filament pins to the back of the chassis through a
couple of 10k resistors so I can have a convenient place to check the voltage.

My question is twofold:  First, does anyone have a suggestion as to what to look
for other than the tube?  And second, if I do get a new tube, what do you
suggest?  Should I look around for a NOS Eimac tube?  Are the Chinese tubes any

Vic, K2VCO
Fresno CA

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