[AMPS] SB-220 TUNE Cap Arcing
Norell Bennett W.
Tue, 13 Oct 1998 10:41:31 EST
> From owner-amps@contesting.com Mon Oct 12 14:18:08 1998
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> Subject: Re: [AMPS] SB-220 TUNE Cap Arcing
> Date: Mon, 12 Oct 98 13:45:31 -0000
> x-sender: jono@pop.enteract.com
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> From: Jon Ogden <jono@enteract.com>
> To: "Rich Measures" <measures@vc.net>, <amps@contesting.com>
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> >>As others have eloquently pointed out, it is possible to make the
> >>arc just by mistuning it.
> >
> >Neither my SB-220 or my TL-922 will arc by mistuning into a 50 ohm
> >termination.
> That is kinda goofy that some people say their amps will do that. I
> understand ARCing when you've got some strange sorta load and high
> but IMHO tuning into a proper load should not cause arcing in a "well
> behaved" amp. If it does arc into a 50 Ohm load, my guess is something
> is a little squirely.
> 73,
> Jon
Following up:
I took apart the parasitic suppressors (nichrome wire and 2 100ohm
resistors in parallel) and the resistors measure ok.
I cleaned the TUNE C and sanded or filed what little black or
roughness (from the arcing) I saw on a couple of fins.
I haven't had a chance to tune up to see any difference yet.
If arcing still occurs, and if it is possibly parasitics
at 110MHz as Rich comments, what can be done?
> Jon Ogden
> jono@enteract.com
> www.qsl.net/ke9na
> "A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
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