[AMPS] SB-220 TUNE Cap Arcing

Jon Ogden jono@enteract.com
Tue, 13 Oct 98 15:35:21 -0000

>I haven't had a chance to tune up to see any difference yet.
>If arcing still occurs, and if it is possibly parasitics
>at 110MHz as Rich comments, what can be done?

If the supressor resistors are OK, then my bet is that they are working 
fine and you don't have parasitics.  You already have nichrome wires in 
there so adding Rich's wouldn't do anything for you.

Carl, KM1H, suggested removing all of the mods you did and seeing how it 
works.  Perhaps something is amiss with them.  If something is not 
assembled correctly on the input circuitry, you could be creating an 
instability there as well.  This is probably not a bad idea.  Then 
reinstall the mods one at a time and try to determine where the problem 

Hope this helps.



Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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