km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 16 Oct 1998 00:08:26 -0400

On Thu, 15 Oct 1998 09:42:20 -0700 Bob Marston <k1ta@earthlink.net>
>At 10:53 PM 10/14/98 +0100, you wrote:


>John get back to my original point unnecessary complexity can lead to
>unnecessary headaches. The IMD Spectral plots for the current 
>generation of
>Transceivers as they appear in QST are disgracefull. I'm talking about 
>Icom 746 and the Yaesu 920.

Include the IC-756 and just about any other recent rice box with 6M and
above built-in.

 Yet the FCC over type approves them and 
>ARRL editorial shines the results of their own tests. Which leads me 
>to ask.
>Why are we banging our heads against the wall?

What, Fort Fumble risk advertising revenue? Look at how they lick the
hind end of the crap from MFJ.

Since VHF was brought up previously just let me say that I am moving
backward in time. My current IF platform is a TS-830S for 6 and 2M and I
will probably be getting a few more for higher bands. A few simple mods
turn it into a fine RX, etc.
I have 5 TS-940's with just about every mod possible yet they are not as
quiet and distortion free as the 830...on VHF I dont need all the bells
and whistles and the locals appreciate the BIG reduction in broadband TX
noise.....something not noticed in the din of HF operating.

Also working on upgrading a HRO-500 rcvr since it has exceptionally low
phase noise.

Sorry for drifting off subject.

73  Carl   KM1H

>Bob K1TA
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