[AMPS] MLA2500 Problem

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Sat, 17 Oct 1998 11:57:06 -0400

On Fri, 16 Oct 1998 22:34:34 EDT TOMK5RC@aol.com writes:
>MLA2500 puts out what sounds like a T8 signal (AC) in the CW position, 
>sounds okay in the SSB position. Any theories?
>Also regularly pops the 1/2 watt resisitor at the base of the RF 

That was Dentrons version of a glitch resistor Tom. 1 Ohm at 1/2W.

Sounds like an 8875 problem and the hum is just not noticable on SSB. Try
it with 1 tube at a time and reduced drive, see if it follows one tube. 
I would suspect an intermittent filament-cathode short. Also make sure
the plate blocking cap is not breaking down.

GL  Carl   KM1H
>Tom, K5RC/7
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