[AMPS] Re?: 8921 Pinout

Radio WC6W wc6w@juno.com
Sat, 17 Oct 1998 13:54:11 EDT

>No pin-out in my short form book Marv but I would be willing to bet it
>the same as the 4CX250.
>You can use an ohmeter to cfm:
>1 and ring   Screen
>2,4,6,8   Cathode
>3,7 heater
>key  grid
>Let me know if that is correct.
>73  Carl  KM1H  

Hi Carl,

    I think that the grids may be generally consistent with the rest of
the family since pin 1 is in common with the screen ring however, pin 5
has continuity to the key. 

    And there is definitely something different happening in the heater /
cathode area.  :-)

  Marv  WC6W


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