[AMPS] Looking for parts..

John / NS1Z ns1z@agate.net
Sat, 17 Oct 1998 23:17:04 +0000

I guess they can't all be experts at birth like us, can they....

And, hey! If they are successful in actually getting one of these to work
that would cut into our lively-hood. We wouldn't want that now, would we?
No, I think you are right. Keep any information we might have learned to
ourselves and then we will reap the honor and adulation we deserve. 

On Sat, 17 Oct 1998 18:41:27 -0400, km1h@juno.com voiced this opinion:
>I am amazed at some of the questions from wannabe amp builders Ian.
>They look for exotic choke materials yet seem brain dead to the basic
>ceramic forms...Jeeez!
>Then they do a one-off and are immediate experts.

>73   Carl   KM1H

          John Wilcox  NS1Z
QTH List Admin: MEHAM, Homebrew, Kenwood
         fon: 207-364-2246

            871 Route 120
        Rumford, ME 04276-3836

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