[AMPS] Alpha 76PA repairs

KA2YKC@aol.com KA2YKC@aol.com
Sat, 17 Oct 1998 22:16:11 EDT

Hello All,

 I'm in the process of repairing an Alpha 76CA for a friend. For some reason
he fried the plate choke (maybe out of band operation). Replaced the plate
choke, all else visually looked good and tested good. Upon firing it up I
noticed that I had no output although there was plate current. After close
visual inspection, I discovered the braided staps used to connect the band
switch to the LOAD cap was very brittle and had broken away from the variable
cap. ( Is it possible a No-Load condition could have fried the plate choke ?)

 Since it is too short to simply re-attach to the screw stud of the cap, I was
wondering what the best type of conductor would be to replace the strap and
re-connect the circuit. I was planning on using a piece of 12ga. solid copper
conductor from a piece of Romex. Anyone have a better idea?

Thanks & 73

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