[AMPS] Alpha 89

Richard W. Ehrhorn w4eto@rmii.com
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 10:00:51 -0600

Hi  Henry...

If a power tube is otherwise "perfect," ultimate useful lifetime probably 
will be determined by total heater-on time. OTOH, a high number of 
heater/filament power on/off cycles clearly contributes to premature 
failure as well.

Since typical lifetime of 8874/8877/3CX800A7 and in fact most kW-class 
tubes is on the order of 20,000+/- hours (about 27 months at 24 hours/day), 
most ham applications should get 10 years or more tube life either way.

I think the best compromise is to leave amp power on during operating 
sessions and turn it off when off-air periods are likely to be more than a 
few hours (e.g., when you're at work, on vacation, or getting a night's 
sleep). I presume that others will disagree, but think this is good 
practice for either directly- (thoriated tungsten filament) or 
indirectly-heated (cathode) tubes.

73,   Dick  W0ID

Original message-----
From:	henry gillow-wiles [SMTP:henry@pacinfo.com]
Sent:	Sunday, October 18, 1998 9:21 PM
To:	amps@contesting.com
Subject:	[AMPS] Alpha 89

Does it hurt anything to leave my Alpha 89 turned on all the time?

I get tired of waiting for the little light to turn off.




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