[AMPS] Antenna System Power Ratings Question

DavidC davidc@bit-net.com
Mon, 19 Oct 1998 21:45:59 -0400


   According to page 30.45 of the 1995 ARRL Handbook, maximum legal power
output is 1500w PEP, so it sounds as though your components are rated right
where they need to be.

   Actually, if you are worried about exceeding legal power levels, having
the components you listed will provide safety.  They will function like
fuses and fail at higher levels, keeping you from losing your license!  :-)

   Sure thing on the Matchbox and open wire, no worries about icing where
you are!  Tsunamis and hurricanes, maybe!

73, DavidC  AA1FA  :-)

> Aloha Big Gun HF amp users,
> At what power levels do you have to start worrying about
> antenna system components?
> ...
> It would seem the lowest lost system would be the twin line
> feed and balanced tuner,  a la,  old Johnson AM kW Matchbox. 
> Just curious,
> 73,  Jim,  KH7M

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