FW: [AMPS] Alpha 76PA repairs-rf choke & plate tank damage

Zdzislaw R Sawicki ab2et@juno.com
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 00:36:39 -0400

On Mon, 19 Oct 1998 09:48:46 -0600 "Richard W. Ehrhorn" <w4eto@rmii.com>
>Hi guys...
>The by-far-most-likely cause of a toasted plate choke in a 
>76A/CA/PA-374A-78 or earlier series ALPHA is attempting to operate it 
>25-27 MHz without modification. We intentionally placed the first 
>resonance of the chokes in these amps so as to discourage (illegal) CB 
>operation. 12M didn't exist as a ham band at the time and so wasn't a 
>Good luck & 73,
>Dick   W0ID   (ex-W4ETO)
Dick thank you for answering my previous question on Alpha Amp
But Now Dick, I must pipe in my 1/4 cents worth.
How in heavens name do I get my (374) not the A 3 holer to work 12 meters
and not blow up the plate choke.?
You hint in your statment that 25-27 MHz  operation is possible with the
appropriate "modification"
Any chance that you can share that modification info with (me at least)
the group.

And Thanks in Advance
 (__)         AB2ET
"I bet two extra terrestrials, do you want to call them"

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