[AMPS] Re: Antenna System power ratings

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 10:13:56 +0100

My feeling is that a PL259 should be good to 3Kw in low SWR system - say
<2:1. Although the Type N is rated to 1 Kw, I feel unhappy about putting
over 4 amps through what is a BNC as far as the inside is concerned. 

In general, the voltage rating of components is, I suggest, the problem for
SSB, while current ratings need considering for RTTY or SSTV. All in all,
power much above 1500 watts bring enough problems that I seriously question
if it is worth all the trouble for say 3dB. These gold plated dB are in many
cases more easily obtained between the ears of the operator - by proper
operating technique rather than brute force. I know, this what the QRPers
say!! But there's QRP and there's QRP........one guy I know says "If you can
power it off one 13amp socket, it's legal" (Standard UK power sockets are
rated at 13amps, 230 volts)

Tuned antennas bring their own problems - my 80m vertical runs about 3500v
rms at the feed point at 1000 watts. That's handleable in the outdoors with
available  components. At 2Kw, there's a lot of RF volts, and insulators
need to be somewhat larger for outside use, while at 4KW, it would be a
major problem for insulators etc.


Peter G3RZP

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