[AMPS] Re: ETO/Alpha 12M mods

LEE ROGER WICAL leewical@lava.net
Tue, 20 Oct 1998 20:05:24 -0400

	ALPHA has at least a market of two of us asking the same question.

At 11:41 PM 10/20/98 -0400, Zdzislaw R Sawicki wrote:

Goodness gracious John what a PAIN, method (a) sounds V-E-R-Y Dicey and
method (b) just plain strange and "goofy".

May be Alpha/Power Inc can get into the or even better, offer a retrofit
Plate choke for a reasonable cost to all of the "Older" Alpha owners.
With the sky high cost of 90's technology Amps many do not have the
luxury or the choice of spending $3-4K for one  and must make due with
the "oldie" units.

BTW is their a easy way to get at the meter lamps in the 374
short of taking out the diode board and the HV filter cap.



 (__)         AB2ET
"All bet two extra terrestrials"

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