[AMPS] Ripple Current rating of Mallory Electrolytics

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Sun, 25 Oct 1998 09:51:46 -0400

On Sun, 25 Oct 1998 22:17:29 +1100 "cd" <bearl@ozemail.com.au> writes:
>I picked up a batch of Mallory Electrolytics, They are
>450 volts DC Surge 525 vdc and are 1500MFD
>they have a serial number of les21823-a
>                                                 235 7451k i do not 
>this number is.

The 7451 is the only item that could be a date code..year 1974 week 51.
If they are screw mounted they are probably computer grade, I just dont
recognize any currently used part #.

I would not recommend them for amp service, way too much
capacity....20-25MF total is sufficient for SSB/CW service.
If you do use them I would bring them up to voltage very slowly and
monitor leakage current.

GL   Carl   KM1H

>I do not know how old these units are, or what there ripple current 
>is and and what temperature.
>Anybody Help
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