[AMPS] MLA-2500 questions

wb8jkr@juno.com wb8jkr@juno.com
Sun, 25 Oct 1998 15:08:13 EST

  You might also want to check your wattmeter!!


>   Brian,
>Make a notation on what bands it occurs and if
>its the same band(s) on both amps, AND can the
>power output problem be corrected by retuning?
>If the power output can be corrected by retuning,
>is it mainly the plate tune or the load?
>If its mainly the load, does the same thing happen
>into a dummy load and a antenna?
>Checking input SWR while making the above tests
>may yield good information. Also check the
>condition of the TR relay contacts.
>I suspect drifty door knob caps, this amp is
>FULL of them.
>If the above doesn't apply, then there's a GOOD
>chance the tubes are going soft.
>Mark  WB8JKR
>On Sun, 25 Oct 1998 11:16:51 -0500 "Brian Sarkisian" <kg8co@lni.net>
>>I own 2 MLA-2500's that seem to be having the same problem ..... 
>>me to believe something
>>else maybe causing the problem.
>>Here is the problem.   It seems when I tune up both amps to full 
>>they work great.  But after using
>>them for a while ..... the power will drop way off .... then after a 
>>more moments the power will
>>go back up to full output.
>>I have had the same problem with both amps using different radios to 
>>them and using different
>>antennas ..... so at this time I am little confused.
>>I have had one of the MLA amps for about 3 years, and thought it was 
>>just on
>>its last leg, but since I
>>have picked up the other MLA and it is doing the same thing ..... 
>>me thinking.
>>Sure could use some help and ideas.
>>73 de Brian, KG8CO
>>Adrian, Michigan
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