[AMPS] AL-811

zeitler@ibm.net zeitler@ibm.net
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 08:55:44 -0800

Forgot to add that the key with the AL811 is that it is power supply
limited. Even by driving the trio of 572s with 100 watts you will not see
anymore power out. At least i didn't in the 3 and 4 holers I had here on the

San Diego
John 3:3 <><
-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Person <ki6bq@ibm.net>
To: zeitler@ibm.net <zeitler@ibm.net>; Brian Sarkisian <kg8co@lni.net>;
amps@contesting.com <amps@contesting.com>
Date: Wednesday, October 28, 1998 5:34 AM
Subject: Re: [AMPS] AL-811

>So, Lane, the question begs to be asked:  If driving the 811a's to 700
>out is going to limit the life of these tubes, dosen't using 572b's offer a
>little more headroom here?  Do you think they could handle more drive
>without experiencing shortened life?
>Doug -- W4DXV
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