Fwd: Re: [AMPS] Winding chokes...
Jon Ogden
Wed, 28 Oct 98 23:22:46 -0600
I replied to and quoted just part of the orignal message below on the
reflector. Someone mentioned they'd like to see the entire post. I
thought it had been sent to the reflector, but it was sent just to me.
Sorry for the confusion.
---------------- Begin Forwarded Message ----------------
Date: 10/28 00:15
Received: 10/27 22:15
From: John / NS1Z, ns1z@agate.net
To: Jon Ogden, jono@enteract.com
This project is in the 1979 Handbook, VHF-UHF Transmitting chapter, page
7-17. It describes it as 30 turns no. 20 enamaled spaced by same on 3/4"
teflon (I used fiberglas) rod 3 3/4" long. I need to sneak in and grab
of my XYL's nail polish now. Wonder what color works best at 50 mHz??? 8-)
At 04:55 PM 10/27/98 -0600, you wrote:
>>Thanks very much for the reply. This choke is for a single band, 6 meter
>>amp I am homebrewing. The fingernail polish sounds like a great idea. These
>>simple solutions never seem to occur to me. I guess I try to make it more
>>complicate than it really is. Thanks again, Jon. Appreciate you taking the
>>time to reply. 73
>OK. Good. Glad I could help. What are the "spacing" windings for?
>Just at the ends of the choke then? Or is it a multi-section choke
>anyhow? Should be relatively simple at 6 meters.
>Jon Ogden
>"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
John Wilcox NS1Z
QTH List Admin: MEHAM, Homebrew, Kenwood
fon: 207-364-2246
871 Route 120
Rumford, ME 04276-3836
----------------- End Forwarded Message -----------------
Jon Ogden
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
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