[AMPS]"cheapest amp known to mankind"

Jon Ogden jono@enteract.com
Wed, 28 Oct 98 23:51:02 -0600

>I have played with "older" Henry amps and I find them NO different in
>operation or even construction then "some of the "cheapest amp known to
>As a matter of fact many of the "cheaper" Amps  had more Value per Watt
>and for sure  SIZE then the Henry Amps of the same time periods (lets
>talk about the Heath Amps).

Well, again, it depends on what you want to use the amps for.

If you want to really be able to run a full 1500 watts out, you are 
pushing it with an SB-220.  It's a great amp, we had one in college, but 
getting the full legal limit out was not all that easy all the time.  
1300 or 1400 yes.  1500 no.  And even if you did get out the full limit, 
you don't have any headroom above that.  Why would a legally operating 
ham need the headroom?  Well, operating any kind of electronic device 
below its maximum rating increases its reliability and life.

Also, the Heath and smaller amps will have serious thermal problems if 
you want to do such things as run lotsa RTTY of similar constant carrier 
modes through them.  They get too hot.

I'd even say that a heavy weekend of big time contesting would make the 
amp a bit warm.

The small amps are great for the average station and the average person.  
But again, I repeat Dan's point: If you want to be a big gun, don't try 
to do it with a small amp.  You won't have the reliabilty, headroom, 
linearity, etc.  Can you have a GOOD amp with a small one, sure.  And yes 
the value can be outstanding.

That's the great thing about this hobby:  you can spend as much or as 
little money as you want!



Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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