[AMPS] AL-811

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Thu, 29 Oct 1998 01:58:34 -0500

On Wed, 28 Oct 1998 15:51:53 -0500 "Doug Person" <ki6bq@ibm.net> writes:
>Well Dan, cheap is good when you don't have much money.  I wish I 
>afford an Alpha or one of those killer Henry amps.  No can do.  I've
>actually had several Ameritron amps - all bought used and all gone.  
>were OK, that's all.  Warped cabinets, bad tubes, randon arcing, etc. 
>had their solid state amp (ALS-600) - very, very sensitive to SWR.  
>get more than about 450 watts out of it.   But mostly they worked OK.
>I still have my standby, which isn't very much of an amp, but I get 
>watts out and it beats a blank - a Dentron GLA-1000B. I Know what 
>thinking, geeez, why don't you get a real amp...  For one thing, I 
>don't have the space.  And I just can't afford to spend the money for 
>I'd really like: an Alpha 87a.
>Well actually what I'd like is for someone to come out with a super 
>amp using something like a 4CX400A.  Should do about 700-750 watts PEP 
>or so
>and it would be mighty nice if it were about the size of the GLA1000.  
>A 3/4
>kw amp makes a BIG difference in the signal.  I thought I could design 
>build one once, but hey, I'm a pretty good computer programmer, but
>electronic design just isn't my best skill-set.
>Have Fun --- Doug - W4DXV

i MUST be missing something here. If you could afford all those other
amps why are you using a sweep tube amp toy?
For crying out loud, you can pick up a fully operational SB-200 for $250
if your not into a 160M ego trip.
Anyone except a 100% doofus can buy a fine SB-220 for under $500.

Both the above cover 80-10M plus 12/17M without mods.

73   Carl  KM1H

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