[AMPS] Neighborhood RFI and Amps

George Benko GBENKO@prodigy.net
Sat, 31 Oct 1998 11:08:13 -0500


In a similiar fashion, I have several phones in the house an run 1500
watts...   I have Radio Shack 43-591 Trim-fone without any interferance.   I
stock a few and give them to the neighbors when necessary...   They seem to
be fairly immune to RF...

73, George

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Turner, W7TI <wrt@eskimo.com>
To: Jim Reid <jreid@aloha.net>
Cc: Rich Measures <measures@vc.net>; amps@contesting.com
Date: Friday, October 30, 1998 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: [AMPS] Neighborhood RFI and Amps

>On Thu, 29 Oct 1998 07:10:01 -1000, "Jim Reid" <jreid@aloha.net>
>>Dealing with telephone RFI:
>>>>Already have had to buy the lady next door a so called
>>>>"Bullet Proof" phone;  she calls/receives calls all day,  it seems!
>>>>But am not going to do that for the entire neighborhood,  well
>>>>the other six or so homes around here.
>We're drifting away from the AMPS charter here, but since a lot of
>AMPSers must have telephone RFI from time to time, may I recommend a
>so-far bullet proof phone for a lot less than the company in Texas
>charges?  Unfortunately it doesn't have a model number on it, but it's
>the Radio Shack one which has a transparent case so you can see all
>the goodies inside.  It's the "Princess" style case, not the standard
>case.  I run it about 50 feet from my HF antennas at 1500 watts with
>NO filtering at all and it is perfectly quiet.  Any other phone
>plugged in that same jack is completely unusable.  Truly remarkable,
>especially considering it was only $24.95.
>Caveat:  Radio Shack has a way of changing their products with little
>or no notice, so if you buy one, make sure you can return it if it
>turns out they took out the good stuff.
>73, Bill W7TI
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