[AMPS] 9:1 Balun and NI 450 resistor
Sat, 31 Oct 1998 11:35:27 -0500
When Bob posted:
>This method is used in the "Aerocom" 6 channel 1kW SSB/CW HF
>The exciter drove the 4CX1500B tetrode with 3 watts in a passive
>circuit with broadband matching network to the grid ... from
>memory (this
>was 15 years ago) it was a simple 9:1 toroid transformer with a
>450 ohm termination/grid damping resistor.
it reminded me that I have a Mitch Cox custom wound 160-10 meter
9:1 balun and a 450 ohm CESIWID Inc. 100 watt NI resistor that I
was going to use in a passive grid amp. I paid $100 for the resistor
and $25 for the balun.
Anyone interested? I will sell the balun and resistor for $70.
Jack, WB8BFS
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