[AMPS] ? Voltage Doublers as Anode Supplies
Tue, 1 Sep 1998 11:00:26 -0400
Rich's response is right on the mark.
It might also help to mention that beside Heath; Drake, National,
Kenwood, Hunter, Collins, Dentron, B&W, and Yaesu and probably several
others used doubler supplies to good advantage. They also work just fine
on RTTY when derated accordingly.
The inherently low resistance of the xfmr, coupled with sufficient C in
the filter allows full load to no load regulation in the order of 10-15%
and significantly better on SSB.
I would also suggest to obtain a Dahl catalog and check out the CCS
ratings of his wide selection of replacement xfmrs for the above
mentioned brands.
73 Carl KM1H
Amplifier repairs and 6M Conversions our speciality
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