[AMPS] High IMD Drivers

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Tue, 1 Sep 1998 11:23:09 -0400

Feed foreward, aka distriputed amps, have been around for many years in
SS and tube form.
Some careful searching may locate an older model at an attractive price.

I picked up an old Amplifier Research 150L that uses 13 8122 tetrodes and
is rated 150W out from 10Hz to 250MHz. It has a built in SS driver that
requires 0 dBM input. 

Initial tests showed 200-250W out over 1.8 to 220 MHz at signal generator
drive levels. This beast with the PS is a slight bit larger and heavier
than an Alpha 77 but it came via an auction from a belly up testing
company for $100.

It has proved itself numerous times when IMD testing an amp, antenna
tests and even locating IM from commercial sites in the area. One caution
is that harmonic suppression is only in the -25dB range so output
filtering would be required for ham use.

73   Carl  KM1H  
Amplifier Repairs and 6M Conversions our Speciality

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