[AMPS] 8875 Twang!
Pinky & The Brain
Tue, 1 Sep 1998 16:33:23 -0400
Greetings to the group,
I am writing in hope that someone could shed some light on the cause of a twangy (best description I could come up with!) sound I hear inside a pair of 8875s when lightly shaken. I recently acquired this pair of tubes for use in my MLA-2500 but am wary of pressing them into service for fear that a filament may have come loose from its supporting structure and on power up may sag and short out ( ala side mounted 811A's ). I am totally unfamiliar with the internal structure of these tubes so I am at a loss to come up with any other explanation. The sound is more pronounced in one tube and both tubes exhibit no odd-ball readings when tested with an ohmeter. Any help or explanation in this area would be greatly appreciated. BTW these tubes were slightly banged around in a UPS shipping incident, hence my concern!
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