[AMPS] 6m KW-class Amp design?

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Thu, 3 Sep 98 06:24:19 -0800

>I have acquired a Spectraphysics Laser amp case with 2x4CX350 (presumeably in
>good condition) and I'm about to embark on a rebuild job for 6 meters.
>My current design plan (based on input from several club-members) is as 
>The two tubes in parallel, grounded grid2; -300V cathode; 

This means the grounded screens are relatively pos. 300v with respect to 
cathodes.  To obtain optimal SSB output, one needs 400v on the screens.  
//  4CX350s have a delicate screen.    Be sure that the screen potential 
is derived from a string of zeners biased through a resistance connected 
to the anode supply.  The resistance should be carefully chosen to allow 
no more than150% of the typical screen current.  . A heavy duty screen 
supply can destroy a 4CX350 is seconds.  

>This is variable -30 to 300v
>grid1 bias; 2400V (350mA) EHT (40uF/2500V MP cap.); tuned input with 6-10 dB
>attenuator, pi-tank.; various control and interlock electronics and
>startup/inrush timing.
>I have seen several (triode) designs using 20KV doorknobs, wouldn't about 5KV

 RF current rating is a considerable consideration.  
>HV transformer and HV Cap. are in hand, and pretty much defines the supply
>performance parameters.
>I hope to see some ... 1 KW PEP in SSB.  ....

Not likely with reduced screen potential.  

Other Comments: 
-  Use a 20 ohm or so 20w glitch resistor in series with the hv source.  
-  For optimal stability, connect a few hundred ohm RF term. resistor 
between the grid and the cathode (approx. 500pF cap. in series).  Use 
minimum inductance leads.  
-  Avoid grid current like the bubonic plague
-  later, Peter


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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