[AMPS] FET Wanted

Steve Jackson Steve_Jackson@BayNetworks.COM
Fri, 04 Sep 1998 08:04:45 -0400


A quick look at www.digikey.com returned this information:

Digi-Key Part         IRFPE50-ND
Manufacturer Part     IRFPE50
Description           HEXFET 800V 7.8A N-CHAN TO247AC
Manufacturer          International Rectifier
Quantity Available    108

Quantity              Price (US$)
1                      10.63
10                     75.31
100                   620.20 

This is a bit less than the UK price, I think.

I am inclined to agree with the British gent about the 'problem' not being
limited to the component whose smoke has been obviously vented.

Recently, a 13.8VDC, 23A switcher was sold here for $79.95 by TechAmerica
(Tandy).  If such a deal is still available, it may be better to just replace
the unit, if a handful of transistors will cost you $40-$50 anyway.

73 Steve KZ1X/4
Chapel Hill, NC

* * *

At 06:45 PM 9/4/98 +0800, you wrote:
>G'day all,
>              I know this is reflector is perhaps a little off track for
>this kind of request but it's the best place to find people with a bit of
>technical knowledge.
>I have a 14V/20A switchmode power supply which is in need of a new Power
>MOSFET. The one that's in the supply has got a hole in it and all the smoke
>has escaped from within. I need to find a new one with all the smoke still
>The type number of the transistor is IRFPE50. It's a 800V device capable of
>14A or so.
>I have found one source for it here in Australia but I'm not prepared to
>pay the sort of money they want for the thing.
>Does anybody know of a source in W land or G land or anywhere else for that
>matter where this beast can be purchased without taking out a second
>mortgage on the wife and children.
>Please write if you can assist.
>Thanks and 73,
>Alek, VK6APK.
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