[AMPS] Alpha H.V. Rectifier Source

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Sat, 5 Sep 1998 16:06:32 -0400

On Sat, 5 Sep 1998 14:36:06 -0400 "Paul Christensen" <paulc@mediaone.net>
>installed is
>AFTER the feedthrough.  However, another failure occurred.  One of the 
>H.V. diode "blocks" is shorted.   It is marked...
>SCH 5000

Those were 5000PIV 750ma Paul....I have several that I removed from
NCL-2000 "repairs" .  The K2AW is probably a better choice particularly
if you can heat sink them.

>Does anyone know if Alpha/Power is still carrying these?  I believe my 
>used the same type.  If I cannot obtain an exact replacement through a 
>search, would it be prudent to simply replace all four with a newer 
>Does the "infamous" K2AW Silicon Alley have these?  I measured the 
>and reverse resistance of the remaining three H.V. "blocks" and they 
>measure identical.  Is it safe to assume that they are not on the 
>edge of failure?
>In my search for a spare vapor-cooled 3CV1500A7, I not only found one
>new-in-the-box, but I also "coerced" the seller into letting me 
>purchase his
>new Alpha PA-70V which is in its original box with only a few hours on 
>This is one of the few times when I really got lucky!

If you ever come across a PA-70V that was modified with the 3CX1000A7 and
want to sell the tube , let me know. I use one in a HB 2M amp and could
use a spare...just in case. BTW, there were 2 distinct versions of the
3CX1000A7 and the difference was in the depth of the keyway hole. I need
the deep hole version ( no Monica jokes please!) or I would buy the other
socket/tube and do a 222MHz version. 
I love that tube...instant on, 45W grid and is basically an 8877 with

73  Carl   KM1H

>To be safe, I'll probably change out the H.V. feedthrough, H.V. wiring 
>perhaps upgrade the plumbing as I had recently done using all Teflon
>components.  Does anyone know the life expectancy of 20KV silicon 
>high voltage wire?
>-Paul, W9AC
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