[AMPS] Question on reforming caps NCL2000

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Fri, 11 Sep 98 08:20:52 -0800

>I have just acquired a very nice old
>National NCL2000 amp (along
>with the matching NCX5 transciever &
>NCX-A supply )  that
>hasn't been turned on in about 20 years.
>I intend to bring it up
>slowly to reform and avoid shock to the
>old power supply electrolytics.
>I have a 120vac variac, but none for
>220, and I believe this should
>work out OK, but what are the "gotchas"
>involved? I feel that I should
>remove the tubes as a precaution against
>any possible damaging flashover.
>Any  suggestions from those who are
>familar with this amp?  

The designers rather obviously did not bother to read the RCA 
Transmitting Tube Manual.  In stock config., the amp. is potentially an 
8122-screen-assassinator.  If you are interested, I can mail you a copy 
of a schematic with needed changes.  With some changes and run in AB1 
instead if AB2, the NCL-2000 is clean enough to avoid being tarred and 
feathered at the next DX convention. 

-  later, Dick


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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