[AMPS] HK-254 and 100TH--how similar?

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Sun, 13 Sep 1998 21:46:23 -0400

On Sun, 13 Sep 1998 16:07:56 Scott Townley <nx7u@primenet.com> writes:
>I have an older Motorola-made amplifier that uses a pair of HK-254 
>tubes in
>push-pull, evidently an old low-band VHF jobber as it tunes up on 6m 
>Looking in an old Radio Handbook (10th ed.) it looks that the HK-254 
>100TH are quite similiar in "typical" performance.  Does anyone have 
>experience with the HK-254?  Was it indeed the HK "response" to the 
>(or maybe the other way around)?  Are they similiar enough that I 
>could use
>100TH data with the -254 and expect similiar results?

The 254 is midway between the 100TH and TL and has an amp factor of  25.
I dont think you would be very happy with that tube on SSB.
I had a HF AM amp that ran a pair of HK354C's  which were pretty much
identical to the Eimac 152TL or a 100TL with a 150W plate.
Ran fine with a Viking 1 for a driver.

H&K,  BTW,  drove Eimac nuts with their technical ability...until Eimac
screwed them with a bunch of frivilous lawsuits.

For cheap 6M power try a pair of 572B's .....700-800W out with 100W of

73   Carl   KM1H

>Anyone have a copy of either tubes' data sheet (w/ constant current 
>for example) they'd copy for me?
>Eventually you will hear me on 6m!!!
>Thanks in advance,
>Scott Townley		
>Collector of:
>	Stoddard Aircraft EMI/RFI receivers and accessories
>	Big Parts for that Big Linear Amp 
>	70's era RF test equipment HP/GR/Tek
>	Radio-related technical reference material 1940+
>	...anything else that will keep me off the streets at night
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