[AMPS] J series tetrodes + Improvement in IMD

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Mon, 14 Sep 98 03:02:10 -0800

>Eimac and Svetlana, has J series for their tetrodes, from the the data
>sheets it claims an imrpvement in  3rd
>order imd, does anyone know how much the 3rd order IMD is improved over the
>conventional bottle? It seems these tetrodes are driven with higher screen
>and grid voltages.
The critical moment of truth for a tetrode is the instant when the grid 
is near the peak in signal voltage -- i.e., as the grid potential is 
nearing Zero volts. If emission falters hereabouts, distortion results.  
The J series of tetrodes have more emission reserve than their ordinary 
cousins.  For instance, a 4cx10,000J has a 104a fil., and the 
4cx10,000D/8171 has a 75A fil.  Even though the max. current rating is 4A 
avg. for either tube, the extra reserve of emission in the J version 
provides better linearity in the region of the critical peak.   The major 
consideration in switching from a plain-vanilla version to a J version is 
the capability of the fil. trans.  . The relative improvement in IMD with 
a J version appears to be in the 4 to 6 db range.  The 4cx10,000J has a 
3rd order rating of minus 41db below pep.  
-  later, Craig


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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