[AMPS] relay specs needed.

Conrad Farlow conrad.farlow@virgin.net
Mon, 14 Sep 1998 23:18:37 +0100

I picked up a couple of new looking transco relays today and would like
the spec for them.The first one is a "Y" type with 115 VAC coils and N
type sockets,the part number is 11870.I was thinking of using it as the
main antenna changeover relay on my 8877 for 6m.I'm sure I read
somewhere that the power handling was quite good on these.I will be
using a TR sequencer and the relay will not be hot switched.
The 2nd type says Switch RF XMSN LINE and has 28vdc coils.The part
number on this one is 15300-12.I paid 10 UKP each for them,it seemed
like a very good deal to me.
I also got a couple of Jennings Vac relays type RJIA26NI067,I was
thinking of using these to swich off the eht during fault conditions,is
this ok if it comes after a 50 ohm series resistor?Or will it continue
to arc?What is the DC rating for these devices?

73 de Conrad G0RUZ

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