[AMPS] Nat'l R175 vs R175A choke

Scott Townley nx7u@primenet.com
Tue, 22 Sep 1998 16:37:02

I believe I've devined from the old ads that the National R-175 plate choke
was pre-15m and the R-175A was redesigned for post-15m bands.
The question is (if I've gotten my history right), how do you tell the
difference?  I've got a basket case amp with one or the other, but either
the p/n has faded/rubbed off/whatever or they didn't mark their parts.
Any physical clues as to differentiating?  Thanks!
Scott Townley		
Collector of:
	Stoddard Aircraft EMI/RFI receivers and accessories
	Big Parts for that Big Linear Amp 
	70's era RF test equipment HP/GR/Tek
	Radio-related technical reference material 1940+
	...anything else that will keep me off the streets at night

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