[AMPS] ALC from SB-200 reduces FT-900 power on CW

david wintheiser w0opw@yahoo.com
Thu, 24 Sep 1998 11:53:55 -0700 (PDT)

 Thanks to all that replied to my query.  I was quite surprised that
the ALC line would inhibit CW operation
on the FT-900.  From the responses I see that there is no reason to
use the ALC line so one less cable to mess with !
 To Carl: I'm glad to see you specializing in SB-200's 
and SB-220's.  I wasn't aware of the quality that was built into these
until I undertook the task of trying to get an old Dentron
'Dog'(160-10L) fired up this Spring. What the SB-200 has that the
Dentron doesn't:
 1). Grid current monitoring
 2). Output current monitoring
 3). Swr  monitoring
 4). Tuned input circuit
 5). Isolation of input and output circuits
 6). A quality manual and circuit diagram

 My intent is to use the Dentron on 160m only but after making 18
fixes and changes, it still doesn't work.
 I am now so impressed with quality that went into the SB-200 that I
have to consider these old amps as 'Best Buy' values.

 Thanks again to everyone.
      Pat W0OPW

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