[AMPS] Rf Sampler circuits 10kw wattmetres Rf Ampmeters

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sun, 27 Sep 98 01:38:31 -0800

>Can anybody help me with a circuit for a high power Rf sampler for
>scope and spectrum analyser measurments. Bird has one but only handles
>low power.  Secondly why has Rf ampmeters lost favor for measuring
>high power RF. 

They are not very accurate, respond like molassas in January, and they do 
not allow measuring pep.  

>I need to measure power at 10kw plus, a Bird solution
>seems expensive, but a Rf ampmeterc would work quite well and
>accurately, am i missing something
I measure power with a high-voltage multiplier probe, an oscilloscope, 
and a Bird water-cooled 50 ohm termination.  P equals E^2 divided by 50.  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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