[AMPS] Resoldering 3-500Z Filament Pins ??

Jon Ogden jono@enteract.com
Thu, 1 Apr 99 15:51:25 -0600

>Semiconductors all over the radio blow before
>the fuse does.

One of Murphy's Laws of Electronics!  The circuit intended to be 
protected BY the fuse will blow first, thereby protecting the fuse!

> And let's not talk about the time I touched one of the plate
>caps on an SB-200 because I thought it was loose and forgot that HV was on.

Ouch!  Makes me think of what I almost did.  About a year ago I powered 
up the filaments on my amp as part of some initial smoke tests.  I was 
tempted to touch the anode and make sure the tube was well seated in the 
socket.  I didn't.  When I went to turn the filaments off, I noticed my 
HV meter was not zero.  Unbeknowns to me, I had earlier left the HV 
supply switch turned on so when I turned on the filament switch, the HV 
was on as well - at 6 KV!  I about fainted and I still get queasy till 
this day thinking of what I almost did.  

****  But I followed a rule I set for myself and I lived.  And that was 
to NEVER touch the tube when the filaments are on w/o first DOUBLE and 
TRIPLE checking to make sure that the HV is off.  I'm grateful I made 
that rule!



Jon Ogden


"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."

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