[AMPS] HV and Fried Brain Cells

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 2 Apr 1999 10:31:43 -0500

On Fri, 2 Apr 1999 03:33:05 -0500 "Dick Green" <dick.green@valley.net>
>Hmmm. Indeed I must be remembering it wrong. The SB-200 used a pair 
>572B's I think, and I see from my triode table that the 572B is 
>run at 2400 volts, so I guess it wasn't that old SB-200 after all. I 
>have a
>strong recollection that it was 600 volts, so maybe it was some other 
>amp or
>an old tube transceiver I was working on. Can anybody think of a 
>common ham
>PA or final that would have run at 600 volts on the plate?

Most of the tube final xcvrs ran 600-900V. Sweep tube amps are in the
same area.

If ur a real old fart then the Johnson Vikings 1, 2 Ranger and Valiant
ran around 600V !

73  Carl  KM1H


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