[AMPS] Parasitic suppressors/another question,

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Wed, 7 Apr 1999 18:58:22 -0700

>It seems to me that this business of the resistors opening/going high etc is
>a potential problem, since a perfectly stable amp can after a few years
>develop parasitics just because the resistors get hot from normal operation
>and then go either high resistance or open. I guess the use of 'Globar' type
>resistors may well help in this respect, 

Typical globar resistors have 3 to 7 times more intrinsic L than is 
optimal for vhf suppressor service..  Cesiwid Co. told me they could 
manufacture a resistor with under 10nH of intrinsic L.  The price was c. 
$10,000 for a minimum order of one thousand units.  

>or even possibly the very old
>fashioned solid carbon 5 watt jobs. However, there is a cost/availability
>issue. Has anyone ever measured the resistance of the carbon rod in a D size

roughly 0.05 ohms, Peter.  . 


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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