[AMPS] parasitic suppressors

Peter Chadwick Peter_Chadwick@mitel.com
Thu, 8 Apr 1999 09:11:25 +0100

Rich says:

	> how come all PA's don't show spurious non harmonically related
> >
>?  HF PAs do. 

Not this side of the pond, they don't - unless the design is crap and they
are oscillating. Nor in the ARRL lab reports published in QST. 

> One can put a conductance of10mSiemens in parallel with a susceptance
And it's still a conductance 10mS or a resistance of 100ohms. The only way
to  increase the resistance (or decrease the conductance) is to put a
negative conductance in parallel. Since negative conductances require active
devices, it doesn'r apply. Mind you, if you can find a passive negative
conductance, your fortune is made...........you won't need PG & E.

>>Rubbish! That's the definition of admittance - the reciprocal of impedance
> >
>?  Try it.  Take heed that ye beware of the snare.  

No snare if you do your sums right.


Peter G3RZP

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