[AMPS] parasitic suppressors

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Thu, 8 Apr 1999 17:38:11 -0700

>>€  With the tube not in a state of regeneration, a spectrum analyzer can 
>>see trains of damped vhf waves coming from the anode-resonant circuit.   
>>The only requisite is that DC current transients be passing through the 
>>resonant circuit.  The same phenomenon can be simulated on the workbench 
>>with a vibroplex key, a vhf resonant circuit, a resistor and a LV source. 
>Hey Rich, do you have any plots from the spectrum analyzer of this?  

€    Some of the tests were done by a friend using a spectrum analyzer at 
his place of employment. The other tests were done by a third party.  

>I don't doubt you, it would just be interesting to see.  

€   Spark transmitters undoubtedly made RF.

>And you can satisfy 
>a lot of curious on lookers by posting something like this to your website

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