[AMPS] parasitic suppressors

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Fri, 9 Apr 1999 13:36:44 -0400

On Thu, 8 Apr 1999 23:22:30 -0500 Jon Ogden <jono@enteract.com> writes:
>>>Hey Rich, do you have any plots from the spectrum analyzer of this?  
>>€    Some of the tests were done by a friend using a spectrum 
>analyzer at 
>>his place of employment. The other tests were done by a third party.  
>Next time your buddies are doing such a measurement, have them press 
>plot button.  I'd love to see a picture of it.  It is funny....any ham 
>radio measurements I made back in the days when I had access to such 
>stuff always got a plot.  It was a way of proof to others and 
>Come to think of it, non-ham radio or real work stuff got plots too!
>>>I don't doubt you, it would just be interesting to see.  

HP and TeK cameras are a few bucks at flea markets these days also.

I would get laughed out of work if I failed to hit '"Plot".

73  Carl  KM1H

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