[AMPS] Cathode-driven questions

David A. Pruett k8cc@ix.netcom.com
Sun, 11 Apr 1999 22:30:46 -0400


Several amp designs back in the seventies used the parallel LC to ground
for the input network.  My favorite was in the July 1969 issue of CQ -
"Separate KW Amplifiers For The Contestman" by K9LKA.  These were single
band 4-1000As using the parallel LC input network.  I'm a little surprised
that 'LKA went that way - since a 4-1000A has a 100 ohm input Z, one would
expect the best input match to be 2:1.  Of course, back then everyone was
using tube exciters so a little input mismatch was no big deal.

I use this circuit in my homebrew single-band 15M 3-1000Z.  Input match is
perfect, and has run FB for ten years.



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