Norman Hockler norsan@bright.net
Sat, 17 Apr 1999 16:51:15 -0400

Hi all,

I have the following Amp parts available.

Vacuum Capactors  (a number of each below)

12-500 pf 7.5 kv  with side mounting aluminum block

10-60 pf 6kv

40-200 pf 6kv

5-125 pf 5kv

Vacuum relays - Jennings RJ1A  18A @ 3.6kv

Air variable - Cardwell  15-500 pf  plate spacing .03"

8877 sockets (ceramic)

Unique dual 8877 socket assembly with SK2210 grid ring units and silver plated 
ground plane for cathode connections

3CX800 socket and SK1906 chimney

Many blocking caps 5 and 7.5 kv, 100 to 1000 pf

Feed through caps high current- .01uf 1kv, .025uf 5kv

Bird dual line sections, 5kw 2-30mc slugs

E-Mail me direct on items you are interested in. I can E-Mail pictures on
anything you have an interest in.

Thanks Norm  N8RGR

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