[AMPS] Re: full break in

Rich Measures measures@vc.net
Sun, 18 Apr 1999 09:56:25 -0700

>>>>>I just read your post.  I have never used PIN diodes and was wondering
> > what recommendations you might have for what to use & where to buy them
>I think the QSK-1500 unit by DEO is still the best way to go. They are still
>available at hamfests and flea marts, I am told. My friend K1NDV has managed
>to collect three of them recently.
>I have info. on simple up grades for them, and have the shop manual.
>73,    Roy   K6XK
> PS... I performed some rough estimates this morning on the life expectancy
>of a vacuum relay. If we operate 500 words per day, CW, I calculate the
>2-million relay operations rating would be consumed in about one year.
�  The 2M operations spec is guaranteed at full ratings.  How many people 
have you run into who wore out a RJ1a in amateur radio service?  For CW 
enthusiasts who need more contact life, the RJ1h has tungsten contacts - 
although it won't carry quite as much current.  


R. L. Measures, 805-386-3734, AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures  

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