[AMPS] A mystery

km1h@juno.com km1h@juno.com
Sun, 18 Apr 1999 22:19:54 -0400

On Sun, 18 Apr 1999 18:08:40 -0700 "Harv Shore" <af006@lafn.org> writes:
>OK gents..... I know this posting has little to do DIRECTLY with the 
>art of
>amplifiers.  However, the readers of this reflector comprise a wealth 
>knowledge -- and maybe some one out there will have an explanation.
>This is true. I saw it myself and it was clearly and repeatably
>My Aunt has a 10 year old cheap table radio (you can buy them for 
>She has it on the counter near the sink in her kitchen.  She noticed 
>she tuned to a specific AM radio station (1230 kHz I believe) a 
>thing happens when she turns on the hot water.  With the water OFF,
>reception is OK.  A reasonably good signal and the quality of the 
>music is
>as expected.  Now -- she turns on the HOT water.  As the water warms 
>-- the
>signal disappears!   By the time the water is running hot the signal 
>been attenuated by an estimated  30 or 40 dB!!!!!!
>Turn off the water and the signal slowly comes back as the pipes 
>As far as I could tell this only happens on the one station.
>There is no known spook in the house.
>Really --- this is true!!!
>Any ideas???


Go to a real library and check out QST  from roughly 1940-60 and CQ from
Your aunts experience and many others has been well covered back in the
days when a ham ticket required knowledge.

If ur call is original you have that knowledge Harv, just think about it.
The answer is almost staring you in the face .

Heck, this reflector needs a discussion change anyway.

73  Carl  KM1H
ex K2QJM 1955

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