[AMPS] HV PS Diodes

David A. Pruett k8cc@ix.netcom.com
Wed, 28 Apr 1999 21:25:49 -0400

Does anybody here on the reflector have a recommendation on sources for HV
power supply diode blocks?  I'm thinking about building six single-band,
single-tube 3-1000Z finals, and for space considerations would like to run
these off three power supplies.  I have three 7' racks built into the wall
of my shack, so the plan is two finals off one p/s in each rack.

I've had 100& success with the K2AW diode blocks, but these are only rated
for one ampere.  Four of these in a bridge work great for a single amp, but
not for two.

Input will be 3000 VAC in a bridge, about 4200V no-load.  I'm not planning
to hammer the amps, so I would think a 2A rating would be adequate.



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