[AMPS] Re:

User312627@aol.com User312627@aol.com
Sun, 1 Aug 1999 17:26:48 EDT

On 99/07/26 Phil said:
> I have always interpreted  this to mean that one RF cycle is the minimum 
time for the measurement.
If the modulation is a pure sine wave, one only needs one-half a cycle of 
time to make the measurement. Most of the time, in practice the sine wave 
contains harmonics and distortion as that a full cycle is needed in that 
case. Furthermore, in the real voice signal there are few single frequencies, 
most are very complex. I have another book, titled HF Radio Systems & 
Circuits by William E. Sabin and Edgar O. Schoenike. Chapter 7 written by Mr. 
Sabin is titled Speech Processing, Squelch, and Noise Blanking, covers among 
other things, the Hilbert Transform. This shows components to very high 
frequencies, indeed!
Bill Williams KB7YUM

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